Freelance writer wanted at Yellow Scene Magazine


Freelance writer
In the world of “content writing” (which we have a particular disdain for, see:, there are still a few beacons of Print Media that are staying true to the mission.

Yellow Scene Magazine may not be a national publication, but we have been around 20 years as an Independent in Boulder County. We cover arts, entertainment, news, politics, social issues, education, healthcare, science, oil & gas, elections, food and drink, cannabis and whatever else we think is worthy to talk about.

We have won over 110 awards for Excellence in Journalism since inception in 2000 and have grown to the largest distributed publication in the region. Not bad for an Indie who has self-financed all the way, but it also means we are kind of demanding and generally broke. After all, we are staying true to what we do. You won’t find a single “Native Advertising” article in our pages—ever.

We encourage writers to find their Voice. Factually based of course, but you have a voice and you are here to communicate it. You are not afraid of research, (yep it comes with the territory), and not afraid of direction. We are cranky, we are getting old and we are picky.

If this sounds like the ideal writing gig, then we are looking for a few true journalists who are as passionate as we are.

If out of state, then please indicate how you go about researching your subjects to get that insiders view.

Learn more in our Media Kit. Reading our archives can be your first assignment.